Monday, September 26, 2011

Still awake, glued to Pintrest.

  I really should go to bed but I can't because Pintrest is just so darn interesting!  In case you've been busy with something silly like work or maybe having a life (unlike myself haha) and have not heard of Pintrest let me break it down for you.  Say you're like me and you have bagillion (made up that amount for dramatics) bookmarks on home screen and you're worried about your computer.  Well what if one day your computer just exploded and all your precious book marks vanished!  Oh no, how will I go on?!?  Well if you used Pintrest they'd be safe on a virtual pin board, neat huh?  All your pins can be placed on a board, you can name those boards anything you please.   Example of some board you may be into- "tasty cheese", "purple socks", "how to wash puppies".  Or whatever loveliness you are into!  If you like it, love it or want to make it just pin it onto your board and then look it up whenever you please.  Woohoo!

 You can surf pintrest to find new bits of information to "repin", you can even follow someone elses board and check out all the funky fun stuff they are into!  If you have a chance you should really check it out.  I'm not in any way affiliated with Pintrest but I am a pinning junky!  I have to thank the website for some great projects I have been tackling and for also helping me tick away the hours on the PC.  If I could only get the site to wash my dishes and make diner, I would be in love!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Up and going!

  This is my first blog post...ever!  I have never subscribed or really even read a blog until this last year, can you believe that? we go!

  Hi, my name is Dawn, I am married to a wonderful man, Greg and a stay at home mom to two wonderful little girlies .  Gracelynn is 5 and such a amazing kid, she is a strong, loving, willful and extremely brave little girl.  She loves Yo Gabba Gabba, Barbies, dolls and relaxing with a fun book. Delaney, my littlest, is 1.   She really keeps me guessing, she's a sharp one!  She is sweet, loving and such a ball to be around.  She loves animals, running around, climbing furniture and pestering her big sister.

   The kiddos really keep me on my toes, it seems like I am always picking up toys, running errands or picking some junk off the floor.  When I do manage to get some free time I love to stop at thrift stores, goodwill or even a random yardsale for a second hand gem that might make our home sparkle.  I love all things crafts, I enjoy painting and repurpose furniture and even reusing every objects  to make new accessories for the house.

 I really hope to have a good time writing and sharing this blog, you see over time that I am a bit nutty but hey that's what makes me fun!  My life isn't perfect.  Far from it. In fact sometimes,  sometimes I wonder how I even function day to day.  Haha, but really,  I love it all I wouldn't trade it for the world!  Now matter how you drag your feet life is going to happen, why not make it colorful and get a little paint on your toes!