Friday, October 11, 2013

To blog or not to blog?

   I started this blog a while back, it seems like it never really caught on.  I'm not sure if it's because I forgot all about it or if I gave up before even trying.  It seems like even though I love to paint and I FELT like that's was my thing I just don't feel it now like I did then.  Recently my new hobby has been collecting American Girl dolls, playing dress up and enjoying other silly girly things with my two daughters, now seven and three. 

  Playing with dolls you say?  Make believe and pearls to lunch?  Singing along my little pony while pretending to earn our wings ( side note: too much sharing for a first post?!? lol) yes, yes to all those crazy things !  I know it may be different but I'm a stay at home mom (and a kid at heart), why not enjoy what my kids enjoy?  To put it out there,  while I may enjoy a good tea party or making hay bales for the girl's fake horses, I have yet to slip into the " but they're real to me" reality.  I know this isn't a Disney movie, our toys aren't alive and relishing a good play day. 

 If you're a parent ( aunt, uncle,  an older sibling or maybe a family friend) you've been there, the days where you do nothing but make believe with your kids.  The days where you pretend that bubbles are really a freak blizzard, the floor is hot lava or a doll is a dear friend in need of a good fashion make over and a dazzling cup of tea.  If you can imagine the joys my girls and I share playing with our dolls, making crafts for our family/friends or how waif like one can look after being a playmate to a three year old, then let's be friends!  Let's share our joys and frustrations and maybe laugh at the fact that yes, we are grown adults that not always share our toys.  Hopefully this blog go- round sticks.  Hopefully we can have some fun beings kids with our kids.  And maybe, just maybe.....we'll share our toys.

  So I may not have any followers yet, I hope to one day.  The monologue will be here to let everyone know that I am a flake who started a blog about painting furniture but gave up before she really started.  But in giving up I gave myself a chance, a chance at some good silly fun with my kids, their dolls and a chance to make some new friends.

The end, night night!

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